BINGO Industries welcomes the announcement by the Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP, Federal Minister for Environment and Water, of the formation of a new Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group.
This announcement will enhance further collaboration between industry and all levels of Government to help achieve a successful circular economy and broader waste recovery targets by 2030.
The mandate of the Advisory Group to assess how products are designed, manufactured and used across all sectors and the commitment to address regulatory and commercial barriers, is a significant step in the transition to a circular economy. It will help businesses create new products, new jobs and help reduce waste in our communities.
BINGO Industries is already a leader when it comes to circular economy practices, achieving industry leading resource recovery rates that are independently audited and has generated over 2.7 million tonnes of recycled product in the last five years.
We look forward to working with all levels of Government, industry and the Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group in helping achieve the transition to a circular economy.