Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Infrastructure Optimisation Project – EIS expected to be on exhibition next week
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for BINGO’s Recycling Infrastructure Optimisation (RIO) Project is expected to be placed on exhibition from next week. Members of the local community and other stakeholders are invited to review the EIS which has now met adequacy for public exhibition by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).
About the project
The RIO Project aims to enhance the operational efficiency of the Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park through improvements in internal design and supporting infrastructure. It supports the NSW Government in achieving a resource recovery target of 80 percent by 2030, aligned with the 20-year NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041.
The Project will provide the Greater Sydney region with crucial recycling infrastructure to help communities divert more waste from landfill and close the resources loop. It’s estimated the Project will generate 40 new jobs for the Western Sydney region during the construction phase, and an additional 70 jobs once operational.
The EIS for the Project is expected to be placed on public exhibition at some point during the week commencing 11 July 2022. It will remain on public exhibition for 28 days.
Community consultation
Extensive consultation activities have been undertaken during the development of the EIS, including:
- A community newsletter dropped to surrounding residential and industrial properties (more than 9,000 newsletters were delivered over two campaigns)
- Five community webinar sessions
- One-on-one meetings with residents and surrounding landholders
- Site tours with members of parliament
- Website updates and provision of detailed frequently asked questions regarding the Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park
- Extensive engagement with government agencies.
Project assessment
The potential environmental, social and economic impacts, both direct and cumulative, have been identified and thoroughly assessed as part of this EIS. The key environmental issues which were assessed for the Project, as identified in the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs), include: traffic and transport; noise and vibration, air quality (including odour), soils and contamination; water and hydrology; and hazards and risks.
Following examination of the key environmental issues of the Proposal it is considered that any potential impacts associated with the Proposal can be satisfactorily mitigated through a range of measures that have been identified within the EIS.
The RIO project is being assessed as a State Significant Development under Part 4 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment is the responsible state planning authority for the project.
For more information
Anyone interested in reading the full EIS report, including individual technical assessments, or making a submission can do so when it becomes available via the NSW Planning Portal.