As part of our commitment to provide regular updates to resident and neighbours to our Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park regarding works to the landfill gas extraction and treatment system, we provide an update below on works foreshadowed in the previous updates on 19 June and note proposed works in the coming months.
Progress updates on works noted in 19 June update:
The landfill gas extraction and treatment system requires regular and ongoing maintenance and as indicated in previous updates, adjustments are required during the works, including at times taking certain parts of the system offline as required.
The works carried out on Wednesday 26 June to Friday 28 June included drilling 10 new shallow extraction wells (these are new wells in addition to the wells installed over the last two weeks) to ensure the network is maintained to maximise the extraction of landfill gas. The drilling of these wells was completed ahead of schedule, and while the drilling machinery remains on site we are using this opportunity to add additional shallow wells early next week, to further extend and optimise the extraction network.
These works are on track to be fully completed by Tuesday 2 July.
Proposed works for 16 and 17 July:
As foreshadowed in previous updates, including 19 June, maintenance works to the leachate riser will be carried out at Eastern Creek on 16 and 17 July during operational hours from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. These maintenance works are required periodically to extend the height of the infrastructure as filling progresses and are part of the normal operation of the system to manage water on site. We will provide further details on the procedures involved in upcoming updates, including details around additional odour mitigation controls during the works.
Eastern Creek Newsletter – June 2024
We recently distributed a community newsletter for residents and neighbours near our Eastern Creek operations. Please click here to view the newsletter. The newsletter has noted our regular updates for the Eastern Creek site, including that our landfill gas agreement partner, LGI Limited (LGI) will undertake deep drilling works to increase the number of wells at the landfill in August 2024.
In addition, we noted through the newsletter and a website update on 20 June, that BINGO is progressing a modification to the Project Approval issued by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) in relation to the Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park’s Western Operational Area (Modification 9).
BINGO previously engaged with the community and the Department on Modification 9 in 2021, and the proposal was subsequently placed on hold to align with the broader Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park master plan priorities. For a summary on this proposal, please click here.
In addition, we are currently exploring opportunities to host at least two Community Information Days (over the weekends) in the coming months. If you are interested in visiting the Eastern Creek site, please send an email to our Head of Public Affairs, Rommel Varghese at [email protected].
BINGO is also seeking to trial a new Community Liaison Group (CLG) for our Eastern Creek operations. The CLG will be an independently facilitated forum to enable an ongoing and constructive dialogue between BINGO, councils and residents about residents and future planning for the facility. If you are a local resident near our Eastern Creek operations and interested in learning more about the CLG, please contact our Head of Public Affairs, Rommel Varghese at [email protected].
What should I do if I have an issue?
If community members have any concerns, please call BINGO’s environmental hotline on 1300 032 747 or contact us
We will continue to provide regular updates to keep the community informed, including when any works, which may have the potential to increase odour are being undertaken.